For the purpose of evaluating the various surface and interfacial tension and wetting properties of solids, liquids, and powders, the DataPhysics DCAT series Dynamic Contact Angle Measuring Instrument and Tensiometer were studied and developed for the following prominent and specific applications:
- Measure the surface tension and interface tension of liquids, based on standard test equipment (the Du Noüy ring, the Wilhelmy plate method)
- Dynamic contact angle measurement on solids, fibers, and powders.
- Determination of liquids and solids density
- Calculate the critical micelle concentration (CMC) of the surfactant.
- Analyze surface pressure using Langmuir Trough.
- Measure adhesion force.
Available in: Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, and Vietnam
Manufacturer’s website: https://www.dataphysics-instruments.com
Manufacturer’s website: https://www.dataphysics-instruments.com

The DCAT 9 is a powerful fully automatic tensiometer for measuring surface tension and surface bonding as well as density of liquids and solids based on weight.
The Dynamic Contact Angle measuring instrument and Tensiometer DCAT 15 is the standard instrument for measuring contact angle, surface and interfacial tension, critical micelle formation concentration, density, sedimentation and penetration based on weight.
DCAT 25 is an universal instrument which can be applied for variety purrposes such as measurement of contact angle, surface and interfacial tension, critical micelle formation concentration, density, sedimentation, penetration, adhesive force and surface pressure, based on weight measurement
The Dynamic Contact Angle measuring instrument and Tensiometer DCAT 25SF is an extension of the DCAT 25 which equipped with a highly accurate weighing system (up to 0.1 μg resolution) when analyzing single fiber samples
MBP 200
DataPhysics’ MBP 200 tackles dynamic surface tension measurement with precision. It utilizes the maximum bubble pressure method to analyze liquid solutions.