LMS Technologies Vietnam

Side Stream Rheometer SSR

The GOETTFERT SIDE STREAM RHEOMETER SSR is based on the first melt return online capillary rheometer developed by GOETTFERT many years ago. The new SSR uses the same annular melt transfer line as the old and no waste stream is generated because the tested material is returned to the extruder. The advantage of SSR is that only one tap hole is needed and this make the installation of the system to the extrudermuch simpler.

The SSR annular clearance connection is compatible with the standardized M18x1,5″ bore (alternatively also M26 or M36 x 1,5″). Therefore a flexible and fast installation is possible to any existing bore of an extruder, which was normally prepared for a pressure or temperature sensor. This also means lower cost, minimum of planning effort, and eliminates expensive modification of the extruder with a suitable adapter plate.
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